Wow. I can’t believe it. I almost missed it. I don’t think it’s ever happened before, but I nearly forgot about Valentine’s Day this year.
Things have been nuts here at home and especially in our community but I never thought I’d forget Valentine’s Day. I’ve usually purchased Valentines, goodies for school parties, and stuff for my girls and my husband, well before now. This time, I was running around last night for school snacks and my youngest hurriedly filled out the last minute Valentines I picked up.
Even then, I forgot again and didn’t wish my husband a Happy Valentine’s Day until about 10:00 am (via text message as he is at work). Now, I’m off to make some gifts for my kiddos, so they won’t feel left out when the goods are passed out at school.
While making people feel special is certainly important, sometimes other things just take over. Have you ever forgotten a special occasion when life was hectic?
I think I’ll use my heart shaped pan to bake a cake for when my family returns. It will likely be the only decoration this year, but you know what? That’s okay. We are all together, healthy, and safe, and that’s what is really important. That fact hit home after the recent devastation in our area. It really makes you reflect on what matters.
I do hope you all have a nice Valentine’s Day and I hope that each of you is able to spend it with somebody that you love. Even those who are alone today can treat somebody special… and that special person is you. Be good to yourself. Enjoy something decadent. Do something fun.
Life is too short, so let’s all try to enjoy as much of it as is possible.