We are nearing the end of the month and it’s time to do a check in. How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions in the area of fitness? Did you set new goals for the year 2012?
What often happens is that in the excitement and prospect of a new beginning, we eagerly put a plan in place. But then it gets pushed aside, forgotten. I don’t plan on letting that happen. We are going to do an end-of-the-month check in throughout the remainder of this year.
Hopefully it will inspire and motivate you to keep plugging along. It should also help you to look at your ups and downs, the things that haven’t worked and the things that have.
My number one goal for 2012 in fitness is consistency. I can get started on a fitness program or routine and then something comes along to disrupt it. The problem is that I can easily let one disruption knock me off my routine completely.
Sometimes it is sickness and other times it is just busyness that gets in the way. As I am looking back on this month, I can say that I am doing much better with consistency. There was one week that I was dealing with a dreadful head cold. I was just miserable but despite how I felt, I pushed myself to work out.
However I made some adjustments. I only worked out for 15 minutes each of those days I wasn’t feeling well. There were a couple of the days that my workout definitely wasn’t intense because of my lack of energy but I still did something. For me this is huge.
So now think about this past month. What have been your accomplishments? What things do you still need to work on? Don’t just “think” about those things. Put an action plan in place. Spend time really evaluating how you are doing and then move forward.
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Photo by familymwr in Flickr