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Job Help at Provident Living

One for the best resources the church has in dealing with difficult times is the site www.providentliving.org. This site is put together as a resource to help church members apply the teachings of the gospel to all aspects of their lives. This resource offers advice on money management, food storage, living a healthy lifestyle and emotional and social strength. It also has a section devoted to employment.

On the employment portion of the site you can find tips on looking for a job, preparing for an interview and creating a resume. These tips are new to the site, and are especially helpful during these difficult and trying times. The tips explain the concept of what they are teaching, and then take you through the thinking process to help you create the skill so that you can use it in your job search. These tips can be very helpful when you are looking for a job.

Another great resource is the job search tool that is listed on the site. This is a great way to find jobs in your area or throughout the country. When you are looking for a job you should also consider any alumni associations that you are a part of. You can also visit a church employment center for help or your local government job employment agency. You can also take advantage of job fairs in your area.

If you have lost your job, you should let your bishop know. He can connect you with your ward employment specialist who can help you look for a job. The best way to find a job is through the people you know. You may also want to take advantage of any additional training you can while you are working or while you are searching for a new job. This will help to make you more employable.

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