I just noticed this on the right side of the screen: There is now an RSS feed for Jobs. Whether you’re inside of a blog, reading the blog itself, or looking at a list of all the employment blogs published here at Families, you can find the RSS feeder on the right-hand side of the blog itself.
I am fairly new to RSS feeds, but in just the few short weeks since I’ve started using it, I have already wondered how on earth I got along without it. If you have found blogs that you want to read every time they’re updated, and don’t want to waste the time of checking each blog individually every day to see if anything new has been posted, then RSS feeds are for you.
The concept is fairly simple: You download an RSS feeder like Bloglines (my personal choice) and after installation, come back this website. Click on the orange button that has the diagonal lines on it. Click okay, and you’re done. (I told you it was simple.) Now whenever a favorite blogger of yours puts up a new blog, you will get a quick message at the bottom of your screen, “New Blog Available.” You double click on the little blue button with the B on it, and go to the website where it has a preview of the blog. If you want to go to the blog, you simply double-click on the name of the article, and another window opens up–you are now at the blog, at that particular topic, ready to read. Truly, if I can figure RSS feeds out, you can. Just ask my family–I’m not always the quickest to pick up on new technological ideas.
My experience may be very different from yours, since I use Bloglines, and many people use other services like Yahoo! and Google. There are many, many other RSS services out there, so don’t feel like you have to use one over the other. I have just found that Bloglines is the easiest to use (always a plus!) and it seems to be very popular with others–now that I have it installed and I’m using it, I hear others talking about it all the time. I guess I just never paid attention before.
If you don’t want to get into RSS feeds, but you still want to get updates when a particular blog is updated (and you can subscribe to Jobs and not have to subscribe to Adoption, and vice-versa) you simply have to click on “Subscribe via Email.” It is instantaneous, and works like a charm. You will get an e-mail every time the blog has a new piece posted. If you are either not a registered user at Families or if you are not logged into your account, you will not see “Subscribe via Email”–you will see a blank box next to a button that says “Subscribe.” If you put your e-mail address in the box and hit “subscribe”, you will be rerouted to another page that will ask you to sign up with Families. Once the sign up process is completed, you will be able to receive notifications via e-mail.
I am excited that Families has added this feature on–it will make keeping track of my favorite topics here at Families easier than ever before, which always makes me happy. Do you use RSS feeders? How have they changed your Internet browsing habits? Leave your comments below!