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Join Your Local Genealogy Society

Genealogy work can be addicting. It is fun to discover that missing ancestor and to be able to continue to fill in your family tree. If you find yourself thinking about genealogy often, and wish to expand your horizons you may wish to join a local genealogy society. These societies serve a number of purposes and they can help you in your search.

Even if you are not from the area that you currently live you can benefit from joining the local society. You will make friends with other people who have the same passion for genealogy. These people can be a resource when you are having a difficult time, but it will also give you the opportunity to share your knowledge with others. Many societies will offer workshops and help for those who are just getting started or to explore difficult topics to research.

Local genealogy societies work to preserve and make records available for others throughout the country. The local societies often work on archiving projects and with learning the local history. Participating in this type of project helps genealogists in other areas who are unable to do the local work. Similarly other societies may be working on the projects that you need completed.

Participating and contributing to the funding can help to build a working library for you to use. It is important to support the facilities that you use. The societies often work in conjunction with a county or city library, but as funding wanes during difficult economic times it is even more important for patrons to step forward to help fund the library.

If you are interested in learning more about your society you can visit FamilyHistory.com, which provides contact information for societies located throughout the country. This site is operated by Ancestry.com and can be a valuable resource for you in your research as well.

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