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Joy Can Come in the Quiet Moments

I think as Americans, we are trained to believe that anything that we want in life is ours if we just go out and take it. For those of us who have been through a divorce, death or separation, or are just struggling to build a life as a single parent, we can get into the trap of trying to build, shape, make and force things to go the way we wish them to. The thing is, it really is not about achievement and finances and externally-approved success. Once we realize that pure joy can come in the most mundane and quiet moments, it can help us realize that we are already on the right track.

Now there can be no denying that having “stuff” has the potential of making our lives easier–having enough money to pay the bills, living in a decent neighborhood, having a good job or a college education–all of these can and do make many people’s lives “better.” But, better by society’s standards does not always mean happier. Tapping into those ordinary, quiet little moments that can happen in any person’s life can help us to see that experiencing joy is completely separate from how much work we do and how much stuff and success we acquire.

The sweet face of a sleeping child, the laughter and chatter of a family meal, the satisfaction of knowing that you have paid all of your bills for the month (even if you only have $50 left over), walking through a peaceful, quiet house and knowing that everyone is healthy and loved, the moment you realize that you are going to be just fine regardless of what have happened–those bursts of joy come in the most ordinary of moments and remind us that living life is really all in those connections and the gift of those daily details.

Also: The Joy of Fatherhood

Three Thieves of Joy

Helping Your Child Find Joy