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Juicy Hollywood Tidbits – April 18, 2007

In the wake of the Virginia Tech tragedy, small pieces of Hollywood news keep trickling in. Here is some of the latest:

He’s a Hunk, but Is He a Hulk?

The answer is, apparently, yes! If you have read a few of my past blogs, you know I absolutely love Edward Norton. Now, he has been named to play scientist/superhero Bruce Banner in the big screen version of The Incredible Hulk. While the 2003 version Hulk was only a modest success at the box office and garnered mostly poor reviews, Marvel and Universal Pictures is hoping this one will do better. The new movie is expected to be in the theater by June 2008.

Are They or Aren’t They?

Several European sources, including Grazia and the UK’s Daily Mail, are reporting that Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart are engaged. However, publicists for the two have denied the rumors. Ford and Flockhart has been a couple for five years, having met when Calista purposefully spilled a drink on him at the Golden Globes so she could meet him.

It is understandable if Ford is a little reluctant to make the big move again. His divorce from second wife, Melissa Mathison, reportedly cost him $85 million, making it one of the most costly divorces in Hollywood.

Gere Takes It Too Far?

I would imagine that, at least for me, a kiss from Richard Gere would be welcome at almost any time, but not in public in India. Gere is in hot water after sweeping Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty in his arms and kissing her during an AIDS awareness event last weekend. Apparently, such public displays of affection are unthinkable in India. Protesting crowds have even burned effigies of Gere during demonstrations. Gere has since apologized to Shetty, saying he did not mean to break any Indian customs.