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Juicy Hollywood Tidbits – July 31, 2007

Al Gore III Pleads Guilty

It has to be hard enough to have a child with an addiction problem, but to be a former Vice President and in the public eye must make it ten times worse. Al Gore III pleaded guilty to drug possession after his arrest earlier this year. He was pulled over while speeding down a California highway on the 4th of July. In his Toyota Prius, officers found prescription drugs such as Vicodin (for which Gore had no prescription) and marijuana. Gore, 24, has agreed to enter a residential rehab clinic to avoid serving any jail time. Susan Kang-Schroeder, the Orange County District Attorney spokesperson, said Gore was treated as anyone else would be and did not receive any special treatment due to who he is.

Trump Talks – Mom Lashes Back
We all know The Donald just cannot keep his mouth shut. His latest target is Lindsay Lohan. Or rather, her parents! He advised Lindsay to “get a new set of parents.” I am not so sure that is not sound advice, considering Dina Lohan is often seen out partying with her troubled daughter. But Dina has taken offense to the comment and said of Trump:

“I’ve always had a great admiration for your business sense and I’ve read all your books and learned from them. Your own brother died of alcoholism and you own Trump Vodka? You say Lindsay needs new parents? Such a rash statement without backing it with fact? I am a single mother of four children doing what I can during this difficult time! Do a background check of both parents and you will find the truth! Shame on you… so many families suffer from this, yours included. We need solutions not opinions!”

John Wayne Memorialized

Ah, he will always be the duke…but now John Wayne has an official place at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma. A bigger than life statue (eight feet eight inches high) of Wayne was unveiled Saturday. Two of Wayne’s grandchildren, Anita LaCaba Swift and Nick Kuhle, were there for the ceremony. Wayne died 28 years ago of lung and stomach cancer, but his fan still remember and love him. The ceremony was held in conjunction of the 100 anniversary of Wayne’s birth.

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About Libby Pelham

I have always loved to write and Families.com gives me the opportunity to share my passion for writing with others. I work full-time as a web developer at UTHSC and most of my other time is spent with my son (born 2004). I love everything pop culture, but also enjoy writing about green living (it has opened my eyes to many things!) and health (got to worry about that as you get older!).