This just in: Trampolines are dangerous for kids. In other news, the sky is blue. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Earlier today, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) announced that parents should ban trampolines from their backyards, as they could be potential death traps for kids.
Citing nearly 100,000 serious injuries in 2009, the AAP issued the warning and noted that safety nets parents erect around the personal jumping devices do little to protect kids from harm. In fact, members of the AAP state that trampoline nets are often more of a detriment than a benefit because they lull parents into a false sense of security.
According to the AAP, moms and dads need to stop treating trampolines as toys for their kids.
“I think parents see the soft springy mat and they think it’s safe, like water,” Dr. Michele LaBotz, lead author of the new AAP statement noted. “What they don’t realize is that once you get it to bouncing, especially if there are multiple users, it can be dangerous. Bigger kids and adults like to rocket propel up the little kids, getting them to bounce higher than they would otherwise and if the kid comes down wrong, it is the same as falling 9 or 10 feet onto a hard surface.”
The AAP is so disturbed by the number of trampoline-related injuries sustained by kids in the last few years that it is now recommending parents remove the springboards from their yards. The medical experts also want moms and dads to ban their kids from jumping on trampolines at other people’s homes as well.
Among the most common injuries kids sustain from jumping on trampolines, include sprains, strains and contusions. The AAP also found that 1 in 200 trampoline injuries resulted in some sort of permanent neurologic damage. This is mainly due to failed attempts at somersaults and flips.
Terrible news, yes, but is it really breaking news?
I’ve never been a fan of backyard trampolines, especially when my 8-year-old is jumping on one filled with 10 other neighborhood kids.
How is that safe?
What’s your take on the AAP’s new warning?
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