June is the start of the hurricane season, so it is a good idea to make sure that your home and your family are prepared. Making sure that you are safe no matter what nature has in store will give you a good peace of mind.
If you prepare now, you’ll be in better shape before a hurricane is predicted in your area, which means you won’t have to run to the store at the last minute and fight for the last case of water or pack of batteries.
Being prepared for hurricane season starts with creating an emergency kit. To create your own kit, first start with a water proof container that includes some essentials for emergency repair. You’ll need duct tape, a utility knife, nylon tarps, a wrench, and a hammer and nails. Next add a battery powered flashlight with extra batteries and a crank-style radio.
It is also good to include a change of clothing and shoes for each member of the family, plus enough water and easy to eat food to get you through at least three days without power. You may also consider buying a small generator now. Generators are specialty items, and stores tend to stock only a few. These few can be quickly sold out when a hurricane is predicted.
At this point, you should do your research to find out if evacuation from your home is likely in the event of a major hurricane and where you might shelter if that is the case. Having extra supplies that can be easily packed in your car is important if you are likely to be required to evacuate.
Learn the elevation of your property, identify any dams or levees that might affect you and learn the likely flood areas in your neighborhood and community.
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