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Just Call Me A Professional Flyer

If listening to people praise themselves isn’t your thing, you should probably stop reading now.

My daughter and I flying out of town for a week and I fit everything into a carry on and a personal item. Yes, you heard me: we are going for a full week, as in seven days, and I fit both of our belongings for the entire trip into things I can bring onto the plane with me, free of charge.

I’ve never been the queen of packing light, and I’ve never tried to be. I like bringing many options for clothing, and each option, naturally, needs a different pair of shoes. When checking bags was free, I’d stuff two huge suitcases full of unnecessary items. The weight limit was 50 pounds per bag, and mine were always in the 48-50.5 pound range.

It’s funny how a girl can change her ways when money is at stake. Fifty dollars for a checked bag? I could spend that on a new baby sling, a hip diaper bag, or an entire season’s worth of clothes for my daughter on the clearance rack at Old Navy.

Money isn’t the only reason I’m not checking a bag, however.

My daughter and I are flying alone. Translation: I will have no husband to help me lug oversized suitcases around the airport. Fitting everything into one small suitcase on wheels (my carry on) and a messenger-style bag (my one allotted personal item) makes my time in the airport a million times easier. When we land, my baby and I can go straight from the airplane to my parents’ open arms, instead of waiting around at the baggage carousel. Sure, it might only save us 15 minutes, but 15 minutes can feel like an eternity if your baby decided flying wasn’t her cup of tea.

Maybe you’re the type of person who always packs light, and this doesn’t seem like a big deal to you. Make no mistake: This is a HUGE deal for me. I still can hardly believe it myself. Seven days worth of clothing for me, ten days worth of clothing for my daughter (she’s bound to poop or puke on at least three outfits, right?), and all the baby gear we need, neatly packed into items I can fly with for free.

My ego is so big at this point that my feet are hardly touching the ground. Does anybody have a pin?

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About Rebecca Wilkens

BabyLed is the married mother of one beautiful daughter. She and her family live in the Midwest of the United States. BabyLed loves learning new ways for her family to be healthy and happy. She is a strong believer in attachment parenting, cooking from scratch, and alternative medicine (but is very thankful for conventional medicine when it is needed.). She would much rather avoid illness by living a healthy lifestyle than treat an illness after it has arrived. BabyLed loves reading, cooking, nature, and good old celebrity gossip. BabyLed graduated from college with a degree in Elementary Education. After teaching preschool for two years, she quit her job to be a fulltime mommy to her infant daughter. Being one of those "paranoid, first-time mothers" has led to her reading many books and articles on parenting and children. Although she has been around children her entire life, the birth of her daughter gave her a whole new perspective on what children are all about.