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Just Days


“What comes after Easter, mom? Just days?” So I said when I was around three years old. The holidays were over: Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter. There was a long, long expanse between Easter and my summer time birthday.

What do you do to celebrate the “just days” between Easter and summer time? I love the spring. I am not so fond of summer, with the heat and accompanying stickiness. However, I am fond of the cooler yet sunny spring days.

Here are a few things that my preschooler and I plan to do this spring:

We’re getting our garden ready for the season, planting berry bushes and seeds and moving our perennials around.

We are trying to go for more lovely bikes down a forested path near our neighborhood. We have a trail-a-bike, an attachment that converts my bike into a tandem, since my daughter is not yet able to ride up our big hill on her own.

We have started a terrarium, and the first residents just vacated it the other day. The six snails are now having a party in my garden somewhere.

We’re calling lots of local friends for outdoor playtime whenever we can.

We’re going camping at least once, and I hope to visit a couple of local beaches. Even though we live in a city close to the water, we live on the mountains and don’t always get to an accessible beach. I’m trying to create a set of camping boxes to make our camping experiences simpler. Pre-packed clothing and other items will help me organize.

We’re planning to visit our farm at least once this spring, since we have a share in this farm and like to see where our food comes from.

What are you and your preschooler doing to celebrate the just days?