Today was the launch of 5 Dice: Order of Operations Game App for iPad and iPhone by The app is free. When free sits side by side with the pursuit of education, I rejoice. As a homeschooling mom on a budget and who dislikes math so I am always looking for new ways to inspire my children to appreciate and succeed at math. My recent love for using apps for homeschooling has opened the door to more creative ways to spark an interest in math and to smooth out the rough spots. 5 Dice: Order of Operations Game, sparks an interest while smoothing out the rough spots.
Game synopsis:
The app, entitled 5 Dice: Order of Operations Game, is a math app for middle school kids that helps them really like practicing their order of operations skills. The math game requires students to use higher order thinking to solve the target number by working backwards provided the answer but not the equation. The best feature about this simple math game is that teachers or parents are able to receive immediate feedback of their students’ progress through email.
What we thought:
My middle school aged son, always forgets order of operations. So today, I downloaded the app and had him give it a try. I was pleased to see him enjoying the game. The app is easy to navigate, solid in teaching, and fun to play. I always know something is a success when there is a desire to play and improvement on regular school work. Now, the game just launched today but so far there is a desire to play. He improved the longer he played and stated he gained a better understanding of the concepts covered in the app. So far the app is worth more than the time it takes to download. I am looking forward to more apps by the people at