It can be easy to get swallowed up within the daily operations of our home businesses. Once we decide to go solo and start our businesses, it can seem as though our world has gotten smaller—at least in the beginning stages. It is so important, however, to keep in contact with those people whom we meet or people from our old life. After all, they may be able to help us as we build our businesses.
I am NOT advocating using people or keeping people in your roll-o-dex just in case you might need them for your home business operations; at least I do not intend to be so opportunistic and encourage you to be that way. Instead, what I am trying to point out is that old bosses, co-workers, vendors, colleagues, and competitors can all be valuable assets as we build our businesses. We may be tempted to sever all ties and figure that we no longer need those contacts now that we have moved into a business of our own. Or we might underestimate how valuable even the most casual connections can be. The fact is, however, we might need them now more than ever. AND, if we don’t need them now, we might need them some day in the future.
Touching base periodically with people from your past life can be beneficial, as can keeping track of those people who you meet at networking events and other situations. I do not encourage you to hound and harass, just to keep track of people and keep in lose contact. You never know when someone might become a customer or client, or you might have need of their services as you strive to build your business. It can be mutually beneficial and you will be glad that you kept in contact (and they will be glad too.)
See Also: Networking with Former Co-workers