What do they say? “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, I think that is it. When you are trying to lose weight try not to get discouraged if your losses are not major. Little increments of weight loss are better than no weight loss at all or even worse, gaining weight. Instead of feeling down in the dumps try to keep your body and mind busy on positive and uplifting things and people as well.
Keeping your body active will not only deter yourself into gloominess because you are moving about, but you will burn calories as well. Keeping your mind busy will steer you away from a discouraging way of thinking, which will only drag you down further.
Some things to do to keep yourself uplifted:
Visit a friend
Go out to lunch (salad bar only)
Clean (I do my best cleaning when I am upset)
Work more hours (you will make more money too)
Exercise. Walk, run, whatever. Just move. (this will help to clear your thoughts)
Pay bills
Do a hobby that you enjoy
Help someone in need
Visit a comedic website, such as http://www.quotegarden.com/dieting.html
……………..and so on
Here are some quotes to get you started:
“Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake.” ~Author Unknown.
“I keep trying to lose weight…but it keeps finding me!” ~Author Unknown.
My favorite…….”Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.” ~Author Unknown.
“You can’t lose weight by talking about it. You have to keep your mouth shut.” ~Author Unknown.
“You know it’s time to diet when you push away from the table and the table moves.” ~Quoted in The Cockle Bar
“I’ve been on a constant diet for the last two decades. I’ve lost a total of 789 pounds. By all accounts, I should be hanging from a charm bracelet. “ ~Erma Bombeck
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, media and health