Since I have a fussier than normal baby, it is also more difficult to keep him happy when he is not in my arms. We have a myriad of contraptions that he is starting to grow into like the bouncy chair, saucer, and swing. We also have a playmat on the floor that has toys that hang over his head.
Yesterday, he managed to bounce himself in the bouncer for a good 15 minutes. I was thrilled! It gave me time to fold some laundry. My older kids are big helpers too. I frequently ask them to “go play with your little brother for a minute” and they are happy to comply most of the time.
Today, my sweet 3 year old decided he was going to read a story to the baby. Except, he can’t read just yet. It was so cute to hear him give his version of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. He got a lot right from hearing me re-count this story over and over, but he would also look to me like, “Mom, am I getting this right?” I enjoyed every second of it while I tried to pump some breastmilk.
There is always something to do, and like most Moms, I struggle with how to keep my little guy busy. These days, he just wants to grab anything in sight. I frequently am handing him the weirdest things to play with. Yesterday, while folding the laundry it was a plastic hanger. Today, it was a tiny cardboard box. I’m always close by to make sure that he is OK. It seems that any new textures that he can get in his mouth are exciting and hold his attention.
As a Mom, you sometimes have to get creative. It really is nice to have older children this time around to help out. They are fabulous helpers in keeping baby busy. Now, if only I could teach them how to change a dirty diaper!