While the holidays is known to be a time of struggle in overcoming the many temptations that face us…Christmas cookies, eggnog and the unending feasts available at Holiday parties…it is also a busy time of year. Busyness can put fitness on the backburner for many people.
In fact, December is probably one of the hardest months of the year for fitness enthusiasts. Not only are we faced with many delicious temptations but we oftentimes find we are so busy that squeezing in time for exercise becomes difficult.
While you may find your time to be stretched, there are ways you can still keep active even if you can’t make it to the gym. Of course, the ideal situation is that you do maintain your regular fitness routine but if you find that time just won’t allow for that, think of some creative ways you can still keep fit.
We tend to think of exercise as something we stop to do. In other words, put aside our plans in order to “workout.” However, there are many ways we can exercise while still accomplishing something.
Shopping is actually a great way to incorporate exercise. Taking a few trips around the mall, parking far away from the store, opting to walk instead of using the escalator are all ways that busyness can include some form of exercise.
Even in preparing your home for Christmas you can boost your heart rate. It might sound a little silly but do a little dancing while decorating the home. Play your favorite music and move to the rhythm while you clean the house in preparation for guests.
Believe it or not you can do an aerobic workout while cleaning. Multiple trips up and down the stairs, carrying a laundry basket, scrubbing the sinks, mopping the floors are all ways to keep active yet accomplish what needs to be done.
With a little creativity you can come up with your own ways of keeping fit during the busy holiday season.
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