Already blogging in the Fitness, Home Business and Parenting Teens categories I am very excited to be contributing to the area of Marriage. I have such a tender heart toward marriages, especially those that are struggling because in my own we have been able to overcome some incredibly trying times.
In September we will be celebrating our 20th anniversary. Not only can I hardly believe we have been married for almost 20 years but there are many others who are just as surprised. You see, our marriage was labeled as being doomed from the very beginning.
My hope is that through my experiences, I will be able to use this blog forum to give hope to others. Just as I am in my other blogging categories, I will be very real and candid. Sometimes that makes others uncomfortable but I know that it’s for the good.
In fact I remember teaching a class on marriage in my church a few years ago and a woman had brought along her older teen. In this class I shared some personal things, with the approval of my husband. At the end I overhead the teen ask her mother, “Why did she share all of that?” While she couldn’t understand, her mother did.
You see sometimes we tend to put on a mask when it comes to our marriages. We don’t want to admit that we are struggling. We want everyone to think that we have it all together. But every marriage, and there are no exceptions, will go through difficult times.
Difficult times don’t have to be looked at as a reason to give up. They should instead be looked at as a reason to hold on even tighter. Because if there is one solid truth that I have learned, you always come out of it better. It may take time and it may be painful but what you learn through it is always worth it.
So needless to say I will be keeping it real.