Has it really only been five days since last Sunday – it feels like an eternity. I shared with you all some of the trials we’ve been coping with here and my husband’s emergency appendectomy. He came home late on Monday and he’s spent the last few days sleeping a great deal. It’s amazing how much energy a recovering body needs to repair itself.
Taking it Slow
We’re taking this health scare as a bit of a cautionary tale to take things slower and easier this holiday season. We’re big on the deck the halls here and we usually go all out, but instead, we’re keeping things simple this year. For example, we’re forgoing roof decorations this year and keeping it to a scattering of yard lights and instead of overdoing it in the house, we have the tree and the table decorations and we put the snow village back up into the attic.
We’re also taking a step back from the Christmas shopping and electing to keep the gift giving simple and concentrate on the time together, the things we can make for each other and more. It’s probably a good life lesson because we’ve been known to go absolutely nuts in the past because Christmas is so loved and the spirit of giving, hunting for great gifts and more
Our Christmas Plans
We’ve decided that instead of the huge gathering we usually espouse at Christmas, we’re going to keep it very simple. We’re not going to prepare a huge meal, we’re going to keep it a relaxed event and small. We’ll make a couple of things up that can be heated at will and otherwise, our Christmas day will be spent playing with our daughter and just sharing family time together.
The health scare was hard on all of us. It’s been hard for my husband to cope with his exhaustion and needing so much sleep. It’s been hard on my daughter because she’s never seen her father feel so weak and out of it. It’s been hard on me trying to keep my chin up and doubling up on everything I need to get done and there really aren’t enough hours in the day for all of it.
So Christmas is going to be simple this year, but simplicity is its own reward because we have a lot to be grateful for this holiday season and that’s the best present we could all receive. What do you have to be grateful for this holiday season?
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