If you’ve had a setback, reached a plateau, or have a craving, it’s okay. It’s normal; most of us who have struggled with weight loss have had the same issues. Don’t get stuck on the negative. You are your biggest cheerleader because you have something to gain. Some of us want better health, a better self-image, or to look fabulous for some event. Whatever the reason you’ve chosen to lose, keep that image with you at all times. You want that image to keep you on the right track, but don’t stress or beat yourself up, when things are not going the way you hoped.
One of my daughters graduates from high school this year. For me, it’s more than enough reason to want to lose weight. My target goal is 100 pounds. Realistically, I won’t reach that until the end of this year or the middle of next year. I told my daughter that I’m going to be in every picture she takes, with a huge grin on my face, if I lose one third of the weight by the time she graduates. That’s the image this camera shy mom is holding onto.
Together, we’ve got to keep moving. So, what are you going to do today to reach your goal? Have you done your workout, yet? You can find the time, even if it’s just a brief, brisk walk around the house. Use the kid’s toys to do curls, as you pick them up, or take a bike ride around the block. I’m a walker. I like the fresh air; so, I usually take a quick stroll around the neighborhood. Come on; don’t make any excuses, today (even if you’ve already had that brownie). Pop in that workout video while the kids nap or after they’ve left for school. When you make the time to exercise regularly, it will become a habit. I know you can do it, this is your year. Every pound you lose is a pound closer to your goal and to me…that’s success.
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If you can’t run-WALK!
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