I have yet to meet the single parent who can stay perky and up all the time. That said, I also have to share my anecdotal opinion that single parents are some of the most energetic people I know! Perhaps I am a little biased but there is something about having a busy life that forces us to find a way to muster the energy to meet those expectations. Far from being magic, however, I think there are some practical things we can do to keep our energy level up.
As I get older, I definitely subscribe to the classic wisdom of getting enough sleep at night and watching what I eat—especially in the evenings and mornings. Rest is my friend and now that my children are older, I can get more uninterrupted nights of sleep (granted I am not waiting up for someone to make curfew). I do NOT have a television in my bedroom (I am the only one in the house) and while I keep a phone near my bedside because of the kids, I will turn it off if everyone is home. I have switched to decaffeinated beverages mostly and I try not to eat things that will drain my energy (too much sugar and carbs, for example.)
Getting a little exercise into every day helps with my single parent energy level too. When I feel myself start to droop during the day, I try to get outside and soak up a little fresh air and walk a bit—even a brief stretch and stroll will get my energy flowing again.
Finally, one of the tips that I think I share with other single parents for maintaining a good energy level is to soak up the joys and pleasures of being a single parent. We need to focus in on what works and what makes us feel good. Enjoy your kids, have dinner together, rent a movie, have a laugh—anything that can help you to feel good about what you are doing as a single parent will keep you from getting worn down and burned out.
See Also: The Benefits of a Low Sugar Diet
Raise Energy Levels with the Right Foods