When you have to watch your budget over the holidays, you may start to feel like Scrooge himself. Always being the watch dog over finances can do that to a person. You can begin to feel like the bad guy. Just remember that Bob Cratchit was on a budget, too, and he represented the very spirit of Christmas…a loving family who honored the Savior’s birth.
Take the Focus Off of “No”
It is easy to get into the habit of focusing on the “nos” all of the time. “No, you can’t have an iPod even though your friends all have one”; “No, we can’t afford the $300 Christmas concert.” Instead focus on all of the yeses in your life. “Yes, we can make cookies together”; “Yes, we can attend the town Christmas tree lighting.”
Remember the Reason for the Season
Yes, we all know that Christmas is getting to be a commercial holiday. In fact, people at the turn of the century (1900 not 2000) felt the same way. It is hard not to when the light displays get bigger and bigger and the stores start selling ornaments in October. But how many of those light displays or ornaments actually represent the reason we are celebrating? Remember the incredible gift we were given and what it really means.
If you are a Christian celebrating Christmas, remember why you are celebrating. Have your heart filled with joy instead of your mind filled with all of the pretty trappings around you. That isn’t to say that you can’t enjoy a lovely Christmas tree or carols about snowmen, just make sure that you remind yourself (and your family) the reason behind it all.
Put Love and Time into Your Gifts, Not Money
Nothing can make you feel more like Scrooge than wandering around a store looking for gifts just because you have to get something. So, you pick up the something, pay too much for it and feel discouraged. Instead, take the time to really think about the gifts you will give and how they might bless the receiver. Focus on the blessing, and you’ll automatically come up with something that will be given for the right reasons.
Maybe a friend would enjoy some loaves of homemade bread instead of another candle or set of bubble bath. Your husband may appreciate having the car washed or just a day to himself instead of another shirt. A child may be delighted with having a whole day of undivided attention and a less expensive toy instead of the hundred dollar must have whatever. I am so guilty of not remembering this one, but I am working on it.
Enjoy this wonderful time of year!
Reasons Why You Should Be Frugal and Generous