What is it about teens obtaining their driver’s licenses that make parents’ stomachs churn? My daughter has a few years before she gets behind the wheel, but she’s already getting a taste of what it’s like to be on the receiving end of parents’ concern about their children hitting the highways.
We recently visited my parents in Hawaii and every time (I am not exaggerating—every single time) we left their home my dad would follow us out to the garage, give my daughter a hug good-bye and “whisper” (loud enough for me to hear): “Make sure your mommy drives carefully.” Okay, thanks dad! The thing is, in most cases, our trips would consist of driving 4 miles to my grandmother’s house to take care of her. Then, as we would depart her home my 91-year-old grandmother would walk out to her patio and call out to us: “Drive safely.” YIKES!
Never mind that I have a clean driving record and that I have been driving (legally) for more than 20 years. I have been the recipient of these “loving” warnings since I was teen. (At least my daughter knows what she’s in for when she gets her license.) It makes me glad I grew up in the 70’s because if my parents had access to today’s technology I may have never been able to leave the house.
As many of you parents already know spying on your kids has gotten much easier. Today’s technology eases the challenge of keeping track of your teen, especially when they are behind the wheel. It’s true. These days you can monitor your kids while they’re driving—-with or without them knowing it.
The “Road Safety On Board Computer System” is just one of the many devices on the market, which give parents the opportunity to monitor their child’s driving habits. The computer system consists of a black box that fits under the seat and beeps when your teen’s driving needs correcting. You simply program the box to put limits on your child’s driving habits, such as acceptable speed, (hard) braking and how fast they take corners.
What’s more, the black box also records what your teen is doing wrong. At any time you can pop the system’s memory card in your home computer and check up on your teen’s driving. Details like how far your child went and whether he or she was wearing a seatbelt are displayed in the report.
If you prefer monitoring your kids without them knowing that you’re doing so, consider investing in a tracking key. It’s a small pocket-sized device that uses GPS to track a vehicle. It’s easy to hide on the exterior of a car—or even the interior. The device collects information, which you can then download. It reveals drivers’ maximum speeds, their route, how many times they stopped, and for how long.
Would you consider installing one of the devices in your teen’s car?
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“Mom, I need the car keys.” The ADHD Teenager & Driving