While not all home businesses are affected by the changing tide of laws, licenses and regulations–some are. If you are in a business relating to food, child care, or some other industry or field where you are required to follow specific regulations, obtain licenses, and submit to any reporting requirements–it is a very good idea to stay current and make sure that you are abreast of any changes or developments that could affect your business. But, how? With the way things change, it can be tough to keep up with what’s going on while you’re in the midst of the day-to-day running of your business.
If you have to obtain any licenses that need to be renewed periodically, you can find out about any changes in the laws and regulations when you renew your license(s). You may even receive notification via mail of any impending changes prior to your renewal. A person can also check with the appropriate government agency (Department of Justice, city or county offices, etc.) periodically to see if there are any changes on the horizon that could affect your business.
If you work with a tax professional or attorney, these people can be good resources for letting you know of any legal changes or shifts that affect your business. It is a big part of their job to stay current on the ever-changing political climate that affects tax and other laws, so they should keep you “in the know” and help keep you legal.
You’d be surprised how much you can garner just be reading the newspaper and keeping up with the daily news. If you can’t take the time to sit down and read the newspaper regularly, most newspapers have an online version where you can look up and read specific topics and stay current with the business section or other news that could affect your work.
Finally, if zoning laws are likely to affect your business, you should definitely keep current and keep a finger on the pulse of what is going on with your city or county zoning laws and regulations. This is especially important if your home business could be affected by zoning changes, or if you live in a growing, transitioning area where zoning laws are in flux. Paying attention to what is going on in your city council meetings or county meetings will give you insight if any changes are on the horizon.