During the school year I work with an after school program at a local elementary school in my town. The children all get to pick an elective to do after school and a popular one is always “Computers”. One of the kids’ favorite sites to go to was one I had never heard of before:Yahooligans.
Yahooligans is essentially a kid friendly version of the popular website yahoo. The site is set up much like the regular yahoo with links in the center to important topics. In the case of yahooligans the sites are all kid friendly. The yahooligans site design even has a cool kid friendly Yahooligans logo that looks like it has been made out of green slime.
The site has new briefs for kids, daily horoscopes, and science information as well as information on children’s television and movies. If children have a question about something they can type it into the “Ask Earl” section of the site and get an answer.
In the after school program one of the main draws of this site was the “Joke of The Day” section. Everyday a new joke is put up, and the kids can navigate through past jokes that have appeared on the site.
Another popular section of the site is of course the games section, where children can play kid friendly games. A lot of the games on the site are based on popular cartoons or movies which gives them an extra special appeal to children. Right now the featured games on the site are associated with “The Ant Bully” that was released last Friday. Past games have feature Nanny McPhee and Sponge Bob Squarepants.
Yahooligans has a Parents Guide to being a web savvy parent that is well worth checking out. The parents guide has tips for keeping your children safe while they’re online and ideas for keeping them away from inappropriate material.