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Know Your Own Limits

What are you willing to do? How hard are you willing to work? Will you consider taking two jobs for the sake of your family or relocating for work? Do you want to make less money in order to be available for your child or family? Do you have enough energy to go to school AND work while caring for your family? There are so many options for a single parent (despite how it may seem sometimes) that we may get roped into thinking we are supposed to do it all. It is important to understand our own limits and while we may challenge ourselves and push ourselves beyond our comfort level, we still need to know our values and where we stand on certain topics and issues.

I think that knowing our own limits and restrictions is key for a single parent–whether it is in our work lives, our family lives, or our personal lives. When it comes to dating what will you settle for and what won’t you? Do you draw the line at smokers or drinkers or does it matter to you? Does it have to be someone who likes children? Has a job? Knowing what your standards and limits are will help you keep from wasting time and energy on things and people that don’t match up.

For example, I know that I am NOT willing to work evenings and weekends on a regular basis. The occasional business trip I will do (but I wouldn’t do that when my kids were younger, I have only allowed that into my life now that they are all in high school and my support system is strong), but I want to be home soon after my kids’ school days are done to fix dinner, keep tabs on people, etc. So, instead of taking on two or three jobs working nights and weekends, my “limits” inspired me to figure out how to cram as much work as I can during “regular” business hours.

Knowing if you are really willing and able to move or relocate for work or love will help you to make choices and decisions in your life. Knowing your own mind and limits with things will help you to guide your family and feel more confident and capable as a single parent.

Also: Should You Raise or Lower Your Standards?

Take Time to Figure Out What You Really Want and Need