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Knowing How Politics Affect Your Business

We are not operating our home businesses in a vacuum or in isolation. It may seem like that sometimes, but in fact, we are part of a larger community and the economy as a whole. There is a reason that various business entities often weigh in on political discourse and battles—politics can effect how we operate and grow our little home businesses.

Most of us are not particularly politically savvy—but you may find that now that you are running a business, you do notice and pay closer attention to political issues that might influence your business. And, if you don’t, you might consider paying a little closer attention. Things like zoning laws, urban growth boundaries, and overall business climate can be important. And, it isn’t just the well-covered national political landscape that can influence how you do business. You may be surprised to find that many things going on politically on a state or local level are more likely to influence how you do business than you ever imagined.

Some states and towns just seem to be more “pro-business” than others. This means that they enact laws and guidelines that encourage businesses, while others might have another focus. In addition to reading your local newspaper and paying attention to local, state, regional and national news (and international as well since small businesses are increasingly more “global”), you can also get information about what sort of political stirrings affect your business by touching base with your small business center or administration, or your chamber of commerce. Many towns and cities have all sorts of politically-minded business groups and networking opportunities where you can educate yourself more about how politics might influence your home business. Of course, you should still be able to make your own decisions and weigh out the various sides and versions of a political issue—but now that you have a business, you might want to look after your business interests as well as any other political concerns you may have.

See Also: Home Business–Should You Discuss Religion and Politics Online?

Home and Family–Get Out and Vote

What to Do With Post-Election Frustrations