If it seems like the moment that you announced your pregnancy (or your growing belly announced it for you) coincided with a seemingly unending flow of “advice” from everyone and anyone, you are not alone. For some reason, there is just something about the sight of a pregnant woman that makes people unable to refrain from sharing nuggets of “wisdom” with her even if they have no idea who she is. Of course, pregnancy is not the only time that you will be bombarded with unwanted advice. Just try taking your newborn to the grocery store without a hat on, even in June, and you will quickly realize that going anywhere with a baby also makes you a prime target.
Anyways, back to the commentary that is being directed at you and your pregnant belly. How can you politely tell people to mind their own business? There are things that you can do. One thing that you can do is to get a maternity shirt screenprinted with the words “don’t advise me” on it. I am not sure if that would actually work, because it is one of those oh so clever things that I thought of after I was already done being pregnant for the second time.
All joking aside, there are other strategies for handling unwanted pregnancy advice as well as unsolicited belly rubbing. It is perfectly okay to let someone know that they may not touch your belly. You can be straightforward about it, reminding them to look but not to touch. If you are feeling up to it, you could inject a little sass and perhaps even freak someone else out by telling them that they can touch your belly if you can touch theirs.
Also, you do not have to sit patiently and endure their labor and delivery horror stories. Gently ask them to stop telling the story, as you are already anxious enough about your own upcoming big day. The same goes for breastfeeding. Many people will want to tell you all about how they tried that and it did not work because of whatever reason. You don’t have to listen, just let them know that you are committed to trying it and you’ll make up your own mind based upon your experience. If someone comments on how much or how little weight you have gained, you have every right to shoot them your most evil look and walk away without saying a word. If you choose to dignify such a rude remark with a response, simply reply that your doctor has told you that your weight gain is right on target. Even if it is not, it is none of their business.
Photo by anitapeppers on morgueifle.com.