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Lally’s Neck Sore And…

Here’s an update on Lally and her mysterious neck sore. It wasn’t a cut or puncture from her adventures in the bushes. It wasn’t a sore from collar friction, either.

Our wonderful new vet checked Lally out and found… an ear infection. Both ears have a bacterial infection. The sore was either caused by too much scratching — trying to itch the ear and irritating the neck — or from wandering bacteria from the ear. Either way, Lally has a hot spot about the size of a quarter on her neck.

The folks at the vet clinic shaved away all the hair — no more matting — and cleaned Lally’s ears. She wasn’t thrilled with that last part, but at least she didn’t piddle on anybody. Back home, she used to get scared and piddle on the vet when she got her nails trimmed!

We came home with ear drops to clear up the infection there, ointment with steroids for the itching hot spot, and oral antibiotics to help everything along. I’ve also got an ear rinsing kit to help keep Lally’s ears clean in the future. She has had an occasional problem with ear infections, but this one is the worst we’ve had in a while. I can only imagine how much fun it will be to chase Lally around and apply all these drops and ointments and rinses… it will definitely be an adventure!

In a week or so, we’re going to check back in with the doctor to make sure everything is clearing up nicely. After Lally’s all healed, I’m going to be cleaning her ears twice a month to keep bacteria, debris, and ear wax from building up and causing problems again. Sometimes, the vet said, a dog is just prone to ear infections. The more frequent cleanings should help.

As a reward for everyone’s good behavior — Moose had to wait in the car while Lally got her ears checked — we took a trip to the dog park.