Whether they are natural features like, The Grand Canyon, Uluru, or man made like The Eiffel Tower, the Golden Gate, The Sydney Opera House, we could all name various landmarks. Places that stand out for various reasons and are clearly identifiable with a certain place. Have you ever thought of your marriage that way?
This is another that came from my married daughter. As you can tell we spend time talking about marriage, not just her and me but her husband and mine as well are often involved in marriage conversations, even more so since I started writing marriage blogs.
She suggested marriage should be like a landmark or a lighthouse. It should be clearly visible and should stand out.
Would you like to think your marriage was a landmark that others looked to as an example of a happy lasting marriage? But what if they looked at your marriage and said or at least thought, ‘If that’s what marriage is like I want nothing to do with it.’
Whether we like it or not we are an example. People notice the way we treat other people and especially our spouse. So why not try and make your marriage a landmark of what a happy loving marriage should be like?
Here are two other Ls that might help in this
Listen to your spouse. Really listen. Sometimes we’re so busy trying to get what we want to say out and our point of view across we never take enough time to listen. Whether they’re just telling you about their day or something unimportant – listen. Then they might feel more inclined to share the important things if they know you are really listening and interested in what they say.
Learn form those further down the marriage track certainly, especially those who have healthy lasting marriages, but also learn from past experience so you do not keep making the same mistakes.
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