I hope that all of your Christmas preparations are taken care of and you are ready to celebrate. Remember not to overdo it. The holidays are stressful and getting through them when you have a child with a special need to consider can be even more stressful.
Stick to Your Schedule. Your child is likely in a daily routine and is comfortable with it. Don’t ignore the routine just to make it to a holiday party. Stay on schedule, and you and your child will be happier.
Remind your family and friends that your child has special considerations you need to pay attention to. You may need to take a break from the festivities or leave early. Most people will understand.
Keep track of medications and treatments. Make sure you find a way to avoid skipping your child’s medications or therapies. If you have to set the alarm on your phone to remind you of the time to treat your child, than do it.
If you end up needing to skip out on a party you had committed to, it’s okay. The same goes for a dessert you signed up to make up. People will understand if something comes up with your child and you have to back out of your scheduled plans.
Most importantly, celebrate. Just because your family is “different” from most, or your child has a chronic condition, does not mean you don’t have reasons to celebrate the holidays. If you’ve just received a diagnosis regarding your child, it may be hard to feel any holiday excitement, but it’s important to keep things normal for your child. So find a reason to smile and enjoy the season.