Is your preschooler bringing Valentines to friends this week or this coming weekend? Looking for something cute to make that won’t cost a fortune or take hours upon hours of time?
Last month, I mentioned the idea of buying miniature brownies, placing them in little bags, and tagging them with children’s names. But what else can you do that’s cute, fun, and doesn’t take a long time?
If you have a younger preschooler, bring out the paint or finger paint. Take a big piece of paper, take out the red, pink, and white, and let your preschooler go to it. Then cut up the piece of paper into equal pieces and fold them all in half. Place all of the folded sides on the same side. Now use a big pair of adult scissors (I know you have them!) and cut multiple Valentines at once, then unfold the paper to reveal the entire Valentine.
You can do the same thing with tissue paper, if you wish. Find bits of tissue paper and even flat ribbon. Give your preschooler some glue. Let him go to it, sticking bits of tissue, glitter, and ribbon onto the paper. Fold and cut as above. If you go just with tissue paper, brush a layer of white glue over top to create a shiny look.
If you don’t have a child who writes and you don’t relish the thought of personally addressing each Valentine, what about creating your own stamp using a potato, an apple, or some fun foam? If you have sticky fun foam, you can create letters and then stamp them onto the paper. Practice this so that the letters don’t turn out backwards.
Or you can create a simple text box on the computer, add your child’s name and a “Happy Valentine’s Day” message, and print off multiple copies in a script font. Then your child can go wild decorating the card with letters that may or may not look like his name.
Even at the last minute, it’s possible to have fun and create crafty Valentines. Do you have any last minute, inexpensive Valentines ideas?