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Laughter is the Best Medicine,

Laughter is the best medicine, we’ve heard it said often and it is true. Laughter can help solve or ease many problems. One of the greatest things about marriage is being able to share together. Often that means sharing private little jokes.

One of the things I love about my husband is the way he laughs ant my jokes. I also love the way he makes me laugh. Even sometimes in the middle of an argument, we’ve been known to break into laughter. Laughter is positive medicine and can be helpful in a marriage. As long as you are laughing with your spouse, never at them, which brings me to one of the other cornerstones of marriage- respect.

In a successful marriage each partner will have respect for the other person. That means not sharing their shortcomings and downfalls with others. Recently I was horrified by the personal information an acquaintance shared about her husband. It’s not something I could imagine doing even with a close friend, and certainly never with a casual acquaintance. Yet I hear this sort of conversation all the time from people.

In a successful marriage each person will respect their partner’s opinion and views. They may not always agree with them but they will respect their right to have a different opinion on the subject and agree to disagree. They will respect their spouse’s ideas, their interests, and their privacy. They will respect them as a person and appreciate having them not just as a lover but as a friend.

They will respect their right to have some down time just relaxing after a busy, day or some time alone just to unwind or think about anything troubling them. They will respect their needs and not demand their constant attention. They will not be a high maintenance mate who insists everything be done together or be done their way. They will show consideration for their spouse and put his or her need first. Laughter and respect help make for a happy lasting marriage.

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