You know how they say that the dryer eats socks? I really believe this is true. How else do you explain your son putting his track clothes into the washer, you transferring them to the dryer and then the next morning when pulling them out, finding that one sock is missing?
This wasn’t a big load and it didn’t fall next to the washer or dryer. So it is a mystery that will probably never be solved.
I remember this being a much bigger issue when my three children were small. Trying to find socks that match and stayed with their partner was nearly impossible. One of the things that did save me was the fact that Hanes color codes the bottom of their socks according to size.
But still, I was always missing socks. So if you find this to be a problem when you are doing laundry, there are a couple of ways you can prevent it. One is to pin them together. Another is to put them in a small, washable mesh bag.
But there are other laundry woes that can make this chore become a dreaded thing…for instance, sorting laundry. Colored baskets or plastic containers can make it easier. Be sure to mark the outside with “Colored,” “White,” or “Towels” or however you prefer to sort your laundry.
Children can use a king-sized pillowcase as their laundry bag, so all they have to do is drag it to the color-coded baskets or containers. Be sure to teach them how to sort their clothes.
To make sure you don’t run out of clothing, put together a laundry schedule that works best for your family. What I do is throw in a load of wash in the evening. When I get up in the morning, I transfer it to the dryer and an hour later, I put it all away. Now it’s done and out of the way early on.
What helpful laundry tips do you have?
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Photo by Kevin in Flickr