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Laying Drywall FAQs

Laying drywall is an easy task, but is generally requires a team of laborers (skilled or unskilled.) Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions by first-time drywallers.

So how do I do lay drywall?
Let us begin our do-it-yourself tutorial at the very start of the project – before you even lay your first sheet of drywall.

First, you must prepare the area by creating a wooden frame that will act as your supporting structure. Nail this frame together and into the existing walls (or other frames) in your home.

Next, stuff the structure with insulation, especially if it is an exterior wall. Staple the insulation to the frame.

When you are ready to purchase the drywall, make sure that you have a flatbed truck with which to transport the drywall. Drywall is very fragile and requires special attention during transit to ensure that it is not chipped or cracked.

Once you get the drywall home, measure the area in which you want to lay the wall. Be sure to account for window frames and power outlets. You will have to measure carefully and cut out boxes for these obstacles.

Next, place the pre-cut drywall flush with the frame of your wall. Make sure to mark where the wooden frame beams are. Using a power drill or power nail gun, secure the drywall to the frame structure so that it fits securely and can stand on its own. Your next step will be to finish the drywall off using spackle and paint.

How to I cut around window frames and power outlets?
The easiest way to cut around obstacles is to pre-measure and plan the installation of your drywall. Lay the drywall on two sawhorses. Measure the length from the ground to the obstacle and then from the obstacle to the wall.

In turn, measure the same dimensions on the drywall. Use a saw tool to cut out these boxes so that when you stand the drywall vertically in the space it is to fit, the window boxes and power outlets line up. You can then staple the drywall to the frame with no problems.

How do I join two or more pieces of drywall?
When you join two or more pieces of drywall, you will have to use a special drywall tape, otherwise known as grid tape because of its grid-like look. Simple tape the seam of the two pieces of drywall together with the grid tape. Using an even layer of spackle, cover the grid tape and the two pieces of drywall with a smooth layer of spackle.

Wait for the spackle to fully dry (about 2 hours) and then sand it smooth using a circular sanding motion. The two pieces of drywall may look messy to the eye, but they should be smooth to the touch. You can then paint or wallpaper over the seam, creating the illusion that the entire wall is made of only one piece of drywall. It is much easier than it seems. But look out! Sanding the drywall spackle can get messy, as the spackle turns to a very fine dust that is toxic to inhale.