Laziness in our relationship with God sometimes seems easy to fall into. We can tend to take God for granted.
Have a look at this article about the way one woman is feeling about her relationship with the Lord. But before you jump in to condemn her, can you honestly say your have never felt this way? I know I can’t. At one stage I remember thinking that being a Christian was all too hard. What stopped me from opting out? I couldn’t contemplate the alternative.
Recently someone mentioned to me about the doubts that have crept in as life became harder. Maintaining her faith and relationship with the Lord when he doesn’t seem to be answering prayer, grew harder. My answer was that I would rather have had the doubts and worked through them than never had any doubts and questioned my faith at all. Even John the Baptist, who was so certain about who Jesus was initially, John 1:29-36, began to have doubts when life did not go as he expected and trouble came, Luke 7:18-23.
Sometimes though, it’s not as clear cut as having doubts or making a conscious decision to take a back step from God. It’s more a case of not bothering to turn up to meet with Him and not bothering to talk to Him. It’s almost like we think, ‘but when I need Him, He’ll be there.’ Or like the bible people keep on shelf and never take down, except in times of emergency and then they often play bible roulette opening at a page at random expecting God to provide an answer. Oh, yes, I’m speaking from experience in my past here too.
Despite good intentions of a daily quiet time, it doesn’t always happen. Because we don’t make it our top priority.
It can start as a time issue of being too busy. One day becomes two, becomes three, and so on. The longer it goes on the more guilt niggles away at us but instead of going back to God and confessing our sin, we pull further away till we find it harder and harder to get back because so much time has elapsed.
What we need to do is come back to God, ask His forgiveness and then His help in finding a time to meet with Him that is workable. It may mean getting up earlier or cutting out an hour of TV viewing or giving up reading the latest magazine or checking our emails. But isn’t maintaining our relationship with the Lord more important than anything else we could be doing?
Easter would be a great time to get back into or to initiate meeting with our Lord on a regular basis.
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