Laziness in our work situation presents a bad example to those outside the Christian faith. It can also cause severe problems. If David had been doing his work as king and leading his armies, 2 Samuel 11:1 instead of lounging at home, he would not have been in a position to see Bathsheba and events might not have taken the course they did. Think of the pain and suffering that might have been averted for him, his family and his country, if he had kept his mind on his job.Our laziness in the workplace might also affect others.
Some people like Saul and Barnabas were set apart for specific Christian work that God called them to, Acts 13:2. Have you stopped to ask the Lord if there is some specific work He has for you or are you just going along with your own ideas and plans or what your parents or others want for you?
Paul encourages us to work hard so that we have money to help the weak, Acts 20:35. What are you doing with the money you earn from your work? How much of it goes to help the weak and helpless? How much of it goes to the furtherance of God’s kingdom?
Paul was quick to acknowledge and recognize those who worked hard in God’s work, Romans 16:2. Of course, our work needs to be built on a strong foundation as Paul also reminds us in 1 Corinthians.3:12-15. When thinking about the area we should be working in and how we do our work, God reminds us not to work for the food that spoils but continue in work that has eternal value and we must be careful to do the works of God as Jesus did, John 9:4.
Paul also reminds us whatever work we do for God is not in vain, 1 Corinthians 15:58
Do you view where you are and your workplace as a ‘wide door for effective service’ 1 Corinthians 16:9? Or do you view your workplace and work as a chore to get through each day? Our attitude can change the way we react to our circumstances. Try it and you’ll see.
Whether we work for a wage or work in unpaid voluntary work, Paul reminds us ‘whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord, rather than for men.’ Colossians 3:23. Surely that verse is the best incentive for us to do our work whether paid or unpaid to the best of our ability.
God has prepared good works for each of his people to do, Ephesians 2:10. Have you sought God’s leading and direction about those works you should be doing? Now would be a good time to do so.
Bible verses from The New American Standard Version
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