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LDS Family Week in Review: April 29-May 5

This has been a fantastic week in the LDS blog. I’m still working on getting back up to speed in the Gospel Doctrine and EQ/RS Lesson categories following the arrival of our new little one, but was able to write some. We’ve also had some other fantastic blogs!

Gospel Doctrine

In The Rich Young Man, we talked about how the youth in the Sunday School lesson eagerly embraced Christ – until he found out what the Master required was his all. In Give As Ye Are Able, we reviewed ways the Lord expects us to give. And in The Root of All Evil, we talked about how to counteract covetousness.

Elder’s Quroum/Relief Society

Although this is the first week of the month rather than the second, our Relief Society President made an ‘executive decision’ to switch the lessons around so that the Presidency would be teaching on Mother’s Day. Thus this week, my scripture study includes the lesson from President Kimball.

In For Christ’s Sake, we talked about how we need to forgive others, not because of their actions but because of the Savior’s actions. In A Willing Heart
, we reviewed the idea that the Lord does not expect us to run faster than we are able, and how that relates to forgiving others.

Sunday, April 29th: In A Documentary about the LDS Church, we were reminded to watch the two-part PBS documentary about the church. Please share your thoughts on the piece!

Monday, April 30th: In LDS Week in Review April 23-28, we talked about what happened in our LDS blogs last week. In The Blessings of the Priesthood, we discussed the many blessings that come from having worthy priesthood holders in our homes and in such close access. And in Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 15, we took a look at some approaches to discussing what we learned in church with our families.

Tuesday, May 1st: In Primary Time: May 2007 Theme, we discussed the upcoming month’s theme for Primary, including the scripture and the song to learn. In Mother’s Day Primary Program, we talked about ways to prepare your child for the upcoming Mother’s Day program next Sunday. In General Conference: “The Tongue of Angels”, we reviewed Elder Holland’s talk from the April General Conference regarding how we speak to each other. And in Serving in the Relief Society: Presidency Member, we talked about the four members of the Relief Society Presidency and their roles and responsibilities.

Wednesday, May 2nd: In Young Women: Faith, we talked about the value of faith as it pertains to Young Women and the Personal Progress program. In Visiting Teaching By Inspiration, we discussed the rights and abilities we have to let the Lord direct us in our visiting teaching topics, particularly for new and inactive sisters. In Your Words, we talked about our language and communication. And in Small Acts of Service, we discovered that simple actions can mean a lot to the recipient.

Thursday, May 3rd: In Too Many Kiddos!, we looked at some humorous things Latter-day Saint moms with multiple children might hear in their daily lives. In Young Men: Offices of the Aaronic Priesthood, we reviewed the three different offices of the Aaronic priesthood that young men progress through, and how we as parents can help sustain them. And in Teaching Your Children to Recognize the Spirit, we reviewed how to help our kids to identify and act upon promptings from the Holy Ghost.

Friday, May 4th: In General Conferences From the Past: Because She Is a Mother, we examined Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s talk of the same name, which touched on the importance of motherhood, and particularly encouraged young mothers. In Working Through the Difficult Times in Your Marriage, we looked five tips to help you improve problems with your spouse. And in The Blessing of Children, we talked about the joys that our kids bring to us.

Saturday, May 5th: In Family Home Evening: Kind Words, we turned Elder Holland’s talk on speaking kindly into an FHE lesson. In The Sabbath Day, we talked about the importance of keeping Sunday as a special, holy day.

Previous Weeks In Review:

LDS Week in Review April 23-28

The LDS Week in Review April 16-21

The LDS Week in Review: April 9-14