Did you know about the LDS Holisitic Living Conference? I didn’t either until last year when a friend of mine told me about it, and now, it is coming up again this weekend. I’m hoping I get the opportunity to go. If not this year, then definitely next year.
What is it all about? Well, it is a one day conference dedicated to teaching members of the church about living healthier lives, both physically and spiritually. While the church does not officially endorse this conference, it is full of good information for any member of the church that wants to enrich their lives, draw closer to Christ, and learn more about healthy living.
While I have never gone to this conference personally, I know people that have and have changed their lives because of it. The classes sound like classes that could be beneficial to members in all walks of life.
This year, some of the classes are:
7 Principles of Health
All Natural Organic Skincare
Contemplative Prayer
Energize Your Business
Green Smoothies Simplified
How to Teach Children
Marriage Communication in less than 100 words
Raw and Living Foods 101
But, the list goes on and on! Lately I have been thinking about ways that I can improve both my spiritual and physical health along with that of my family as a whole. This seems like just the type of conference worth going to. I am glad to see that there is a movement in the church to a more healthy lifestyle and holisitic approach to healing and spirituality.
I spent the weekend talking to an LDS friend of mine who had recently decided to become a Vegan. I asked her a ton of questions about her decision and was intrigued. I have also wanted to try living a more plant based lifestyle, but haven’t yet decided to take that plunge just yet. When I read the word of wisdom though, I realize that the Lord might just be pushing me in the direction of a major life change when it comes to food and health. I think going to this conference might be just the extra push I need.