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LDS Week in Review: December 31st-January 5th

Did the New Year keep you from joining us here on Families.com? If so, we can catch you up to speed.

Miriam finished up the year’s Dinner Discussions, and Tristi continued the Gospel Questions series with the Word of Wisdom. We took another look at the lessons of Spencer W. Kimball in “The Sabbath: A Delight,” which taught us that as we learn to keep the Sabbath day holy, we demonstrate to God the depth of our willingness to be obedient.

In “Fishers of Men: What Are Our Nets?” we discussed the way we try to share the gospel with others—do we do it lovingly or forcefully? We also learned about the Sharing Time theme for January, which is “I am a child of God and He has a plan for me.”

We learned more about the importance of “Strengthening Our Families” from spiritual dangers as well as physical, and we read the First Presidency message for the month of January, which is on “The Master Bridge Builder.” Our Visiting Teaching message for the month, “Jesus Taught the Purpose of Life on Earth,” features quotes from President Kimball, President Benson, and Julie B. Beck.

In “The Great Commandment,” Miriam recounts the talk given by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin on the value of charity, and in “Change of Heart,” she tells us of her love for the story of Alma and the lesson he taught on having the image of God in our countenances.

Tristi discusses the dangers of allowing too much swearing into our lives in “Thoughts on Swearing,” and in “Willing Obedience,” she talks about a reluctance to give up those tiny little pet sins, but how we must if we are to truly repent.

Reasons to Fast” helps keep our attitude toward fasting in the proper perspective, and we read about Elder L. Whitney Clayton’s talk to the young men in “Blessed Are All the Pure in Heart.” We finished up the week with a look at our food storage in “January 2008 Preparedness Goals.”
We hope you can join us again here on Families.com.