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LDS Week in Review – February 25th – March 1st

February sure went by fast for me, and now here we are in a new month. If things are zipping by for you as quickly as they are for me, you may have missed some blogs here in LDS. This summary will help catch you up to speed.

Dinner Discussions Week 7” is a valuable tool to help keep us on track with our lessons and to know what our children are learning in their classes. Use these blogs to provide meaningful dinner conversations and to help keep the atmosphere at your table peaceful and loving.

A Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit” tells us of the conference talk given by Elder Bruce D. Porter, in which we learn that the Mosiac Law is symbolic of the sacrifice Christ made for us, and what He expects of us now, in our latter days.

Personal Revelation” by Robert D. Hales was the lesson given last Sunday in Tristi’s ward. We learn that through revelation, the Lord calls His servants and we might gain a testimony that the right people are serving in the right capacities.

We learned about Lehi’s deathbed counsel to his sons in “I Know in Whom I Have Trusted,” and read about the prophecy of Joseph Smith coming forth to translate the Book of Mormon. We also read about Nephi’s Psalm.

In “Setting Your House in Order,” Miriam reminds us that as parents, we set the tone in our homes, and that we should look to the desired outcome of our family, particularly to the kind of people we want our children to be. In “I’ll Never Win American Idol,” Tristi tells us that the most important talents aren’t those that can be shown on a stage.

“What Do Mormons Believe About Death?” answers questions about our mortal existence, and in “Forming Friendships,” we discuss yet another important and inspired aspect of the Relief Society program.

Looking for ways to motivate your children? “Praising Children” offers perfect advice for attaining the behavior you seek. And if that doesn’t work, “When You Can’t Change a Situation” tells us that our attitudes can keep us from being overcome with despair when we find ourselves overwhelmed.

The Church has set up a new website devoted entirely to Christ, and you can learn about it here. You can also get great ideas for celebrating Easter with your families this year.

How do you get to know people in your ward? Miriam shares her ideas, and also provides the “Dinner Discussion” for this week as well.

Happy March, and we hope to see you again here in LDS!