Just in case you were too busy to join us during the week, here’s a summary to get you all caught up on our doings here in LDS.
We began the week with “The Sanctity of the Chapel,” a reminder that our chapels are not merely just another room in the church, but are holy rooms and should be treated with reverence. We then got caught up-to-date with our lessons in our weekly “Dinner Discussions.”
“Gaining a Testimony of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost” is a report on the General Conference address given by Robert D. Hales, who gained his testimony of the Godhead as a small boy. We are then reminded to “Choose the Best Way for Your Family” as we seek to follow the counsel we’ve been given concerning our parental stewardship.
Are you the Activity Days leader in your ward? “Activity Day Tips” will give you some great ideas for ways you can better serve the girls in your care. “Declutter Your Life” talks about Miriam’s experience packing up many of her children’s toys and the things she learned along the way.
We continue the Scripture Study series with 1 Nephi 17:31-38, and we had a report on “The Twelve Year Old Deacon,” the conference address delivered by John M. Madsen to the young men of the Church. We also learned ways to better serve the Young Women in “Leading a Small Group.”
“Family Preparedness and Finances” reminds us that our money situation is just as important as our food storage. We also had a review of our Relief Society and Priesthood lesson for the week, “Obedience: When the Lord Commands, Do It.”
Our Senior Missionary Series continued with “Your Farewell” and “Entering the Missionary Training Center.” We also continued the Articles of Faith series with “The Fifth Article.”
What is your true identity? Who are you really? We are encouraged to think about these questions in “Finding Your True Identity.”
We ended the week with “Strive to Be a Little Better,” which reminds us of the need to set goals and to stretch a little further than we have before.
We hope you enjoyed this look back at the week and that we’ll see you again soon here in LDS.