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LDS Week in Review June 9th-14th

With the approach of summer, life sure gets busier every day. If you weren’t able to read all the blogs in LDS this week, here’s your chance to get caught up.

We started the week with “The Great Pajama Adventure,” a look at the lighter side of mothering as Tristi recounts sewing her toddler into his pajamas so he’ll keep them on. We then learned what happens “When Scouts Choose Not to Come,” and talk about times when a boy might not want to participate in the Scouting program. “Encouraging the Reluctant Scout” lists ways we can make Scouting a more positive experience for the boys in our care.

Primary Time: Class Party” suggests that teachers can hold a party for their class to reward for good behavior, and tells us some ideas for how to carry it off. In “Math and Gospel Study,” we learn how studying the Gospel is a lot like learning math – we must apply ourselves and keep our skills sharp or we might forget the things we’ve learned.

We continued our Scripture Study series with 1 Nephi 17:7-11, and we learned that “Obedience Training is For People, Too!” as we strive to better internalize the principles of obedience and trust in our Heavenly Father’s plan for us.

Saying No” reminds us that we do belong to a church where sometimes it’s difficult to say no, but there are times when it must be said. In “Food Storage: Doing Our Best,” we are encouraged to keep trudging along at our own pace, and to not become discouraged by how slow our progress might seem sometimes.

Teaching the Gospel: Loving Those You Teach” cites the example of Christ’s love for us as we consider ways to more effectively reach our students. “Health and Spirituality” examines the connection between our spirits and our bodies.

We ended the week with “Stop Drifting Apart,” which speaks to married couples about the need to remain connected with each other and to keep the marriage honest and fresh.

We hope you enjoyed this look back at the week and that you’ll be able to join us again soon, here in LDS!