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LDS Week in Review September 1-September 7

We’ve had a great week here in the LDS section of Families.com. In case you missed any blogs, here is a recap:

In “Humbled or Picked On?” Tristi talked about the meaning of humility and how being humble in our trials can bring us closer to Christ.

In “Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 33,” Miriam told us the study focus for our children for the week, in the different age groups.

In “Asking Heavenly Father for Help,” Tristi discussed the reasons why we need to pray for help instead of just expecting it to appear.

In “The Physical Laws in Spirituality,” Miriam taught us how taking care of our bodies can help us to better feel the promptings of the Spirit, and how eating properly and exercising can strengthen us spiritually as well as physically.

In “No Counterfeit for Peace,” Tristi talked about true promptings from the Spirit, and how the opposition can never whisper peace to our hearts because true peace only comes from the Holy Ghost.

In “General Conference: Divorce,” Miriam reviewed Dallin H. Oaks’ talk on divorce, which was geared toward those planning to get married, those who are contemplating divorce, and those who have already gone through it.

In “Scripture Study – 1 Nephi 1:2-5,” Tristi discussed these verses in the Book of Mormon and how Nephi had a personal testimony of the things he wrote on the plates.

In “Children’s Voices – Oh, How Sweet,” Tristi told us of her daughter’s experience singing in a children’s choir at Stake Conference and how precious that was.

In “Scripture Study: 1 Nephi 1:6-9,” Tristi breaks down these verses and talks about what happens when Lehi prays fervently for his people and then sees God in vision.

In “From Seeds to Trees,” Tristi talks about seeds of faith growing up into trees of knowledge.

In “Primary Time: September 2007 Sharing Time Theme,” Miriam tells us about the theme for September, which is the scripture found in Mosiah which reads, “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God.”

In “When Disaster Strikes,” Miriam talks about the wonderful benefit of being a member of the church should a disaster hit, from emergency supplies to the home and visiting teaching programs set up to make sure everyone is safe and has what they need.

In “Relief Society: First Sunday Lessons,” Miriam shared with us some of her favorite lessons as taught by the Relief Society Presidency in her ward, and gave us highlights of the spirit she felt while attending those classes.

In “All Things Remind Us of Christ,” Tristi talked about the symbols of Christ that are around us every day, and how we can remember Him in everything we do.

In “Marriage and Divorce,” Miriam discussed ways we can make our marriages stronger by discussing finances and making sure we’re equally yoked.

In “The Idols We Choose for Ourselves,” Tristi listed some ways in which we practice idolatry in our own lives.

In “Scripture Study: 1 Nephi 1:10-14,” Tristi outlined the vision Lehi had and relates Lehi’s joyous reaction to the wonderful things he sees.

In “Running on Low Spiritual Batteries,” Tristi discussed burn-out and how to recharge so that we’re getting all we can out of our spiritual lives.

In “Serving in Scouts,” Tristi shared what a blessing the Scouting program has been in her life and encouraged everyone to accept a calling in that field should one be extended.

In “Are You Worried about Others’ Perceptions?” Miriam spoke of the difficulty we sometimes face in living the gospel while wondering what others think of us, and how to become more brave about our convictions.

In “Scripture Study: 1 Nephi 1:15-19,” Tristi talked about the actions Lehi took after having his vision and the dilemma he faced in knowing he probably wouldn’t be heeded.

In “Reaching the Youth on Wednesday Nights,” Miriam shared her thoughts on the importance of midweek activities for the Young Men and Young Women, although schedules do sometimes collide.

In “Serving as a Teacher: Classroom Management,” Miriam gave us ideas on one of the trickiest parts of teaching: keeping your class under control.

In “Scripture Study: 1 Nephi 1:20,” Tristi showed us how Lehi went to preach to the Jews, and they rejected him and would have taken his life, but the tender mercies of the Lord would be revealed to Lehi and his family.

In “And When Thou Art Converted,” Tristi shared her thoughts on how we must be converted to each individual principle of the Gospel.

In “His Infinite Patience,” Tristi talked about God’s patience with us and how He will always let us try again.

In “Spiritual Experiences,” Miriam shared with us how the whisperings of the Spirit helped her gain a testimony, and how we need to help our children be ready to receive the Spirit as well.

We hope you’ll join us next week as we continue to bring you more articles just for you here in LDS.