Today there are some more things to add to the parenting list. We all want to raise emotionally well adjusted children. Sometimes that means we have to make the unpopular choice and sometimes it means we have to do things that take us out of our comfort zone. Our kids are worth it.
When you are spending time with your kids, be with them, ignore the phone, TV and computer, focus on your children. As a single parent your time is valuable, make sure they time they get is worthwhile.
Set boundaries, learn to say no and mean it. Discipline and self control taught at a young age will help our kids as they grow.
Cook with your children and have dinner together. I know when you are a single mother you just want dinner on the table as quickly as possible. It’s important to involve your kids in day to day things, it also gives them time to talk to you.
Include your childs extended family as much as possible in celebrations. When I got divorced and it was just the two of us, I had to make some changes to our traditions. Now, the best part is Hailey and Ivy’s Dysfunctional Family Christmas. Every one comes together and has fun.
Accept your childrens friends, this can be hard when you don’t think they are a good influence but if your home is where the kids are welcome you can watch the interactions and know what is going on. You never know, that problem child may just need someone to care about them.
It costs nothing to be polite, to your children, your friends and even strangers. What a wonderful world this would be if everyone help the door for someone else and no one was in such a hurry that they couldn’t smile and say hello.
As with the post yesterday, this list could go on and on. Think of the traits you want your child to have and model them. My ex husband is gruff and mean at times, impolite to everyone and mean to waitresses. I didn’t want Hailey to be that way so I smile at every one, I’m kind to people and I seek joy. My daughter is a lot like me. Children really do learn what they live.