I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve spilled a lot about my kid on this blog.
Whereas it may not seem like it, I really do filter the information I share with the world about my child.
For every one thing I reveal here, there are hundreds of personal tidbits I would never dream of publicizing, and as my daughter gets older, I plan to zip it even more.
Even if she becomes an Olympic gold medalist.
Especially, if she becomes an Olympic gold medalist.
You have to wonder if swimming superstar Ryan Lochte wishes his mom would have made the same promise.
The golden boy of the London Olympic Games is known for being lightning quick in the pool, but apparently, his mom can run her lips faster than her son moves his legs underwater.
You know; apple, tree. Clearly, Ryan is a chip off the ol’ block.
Only, Ma Lochte’s super swift lip flapping isn’t garnering her gold medals, just a lot of press.
It all started when Ike Lochte went on NBC’s Today show and unabashedly announced to millions of viewers around the world that her Olympian son has commitment issues… in bed.
“He goes out on one-night stands,” Lochte’s mom explained. “He’s not able to give fully to a relationship because he’s always on the go.”
Maybe not.
Considering that Ryan recently opened up to Women’s Health about what turns him on in the bedroom, perhaps, he isn’t as mortified about his mom’s revelations as the rest of the world seems to be.
In its latest issue Ryan told Women’s Health that he is most attracted to girls who can rock white jeans, but what really floats his boat are the ones who don “one of (his) long-sleeve button-down shirts and that’s all.”
The world record holder also told the magazine that he and his male buddies trade sex stories.
No word on whether his mom is privy to those same stories.
If she is, I have a feeling we’ll hear about it before London’s Olympic flame is extinguished.
What do you make of Ryan’s mom’s loose lips? Do you think she should have kept them zipped… and told her son to do the same with his pants?