There are so many reasons that you should make sure that you, your family and your loved ones are prepared. From natural disasters and terrorist activity, to economic depression and food shortages, to medical emergencies and health threats to unexpected job loss and a change in resources, the odds of you coming out alright increases greatly when you have done some preparation in advance.
Being prepared does not mean being scared. In fact, it is the opposite. Knowing that you have a plan and the resources to get through the unexpected can really give you peace of mind. What is more, it may also put you in a great position to help others, even if disaster doesn’t strike you directly.
Being prepared is so important to us all, that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) runs numerous campaigns urging Americans to make sure that they are prepared for the unexpected.
Getting your home in order so you are prepared can be daunting. What may work in one situation may not work in another. How do you put it all together without going crazy or giving up?
Let us help. Throughout the month, I’ll be posting all kinds of articles related to being prepared. We’ll take it slow, step by step and get us all to where we need to be. My hope is that we’ll make good progress without becoming overwhelmed.
Because this is an active blog, you can ask questions or make suggestions any time you wish. Just leave me a comment here on the blog or on the Facebook fan page and we’ll start a conversation that may not only help you, but many others who have the same issues and concerns.
The first step to being prepared is to be informed. The fact that you are reading this post means that you are already a good way there.
Related Articles:
How to Prepare Your Home for Winter: Furnace and Fireplace
Being Frugal and the Emergency