Celebrations can add that little zing to your marriage. Yes there are the obvious big celebrations like wedding anniversaries and birthdays, but also celebrate the small things. Celebrations might include the date of your first date.
Now I have to say at this point, I could not tell you the date of Mick’s and my first date. Fortunately he can’t either or I’d feel really bad. I can tell you where we went – to a Rolling Stones concert. I should also tell you I was never a fan of the Stones so that says more about the company than it does about where we went. To me that has always been the most important thing.
But if you remember the date of your first date, why not celebrate it? I know at least one married couple who does, but they haven’t been married anywhere near as long as Mick and I have.
Celebrate each milestone along the road of life and marriage. You might choose to celebrate some personal achievement by your spouse, or a step forward in a new direction.
To celebrate with at least one other special person increases the joy. When my novel was accepted for publication, I couldn’t wait to share the joyful news with Mick firstly and then with our children. We all celebrated that good news as well, as the arrival of the contract that arrived soon after.
More recently I saw the cover of that novel, which will be published shortly. Again Mick was first to see the finished cover and then our children, who’d had input along the way anyway. Have a look here and see what you think.
Celebrations though might simply be for a good report from the doctor, a job well done, a report card for your child, another day spent together. It doesn’t matter what the celebration is for. It doesn’t have to be a big celebration. It might be just a cup of coffee and cake, a dinner out, or a bottle of wine or champagne. The main thing is that you celebrate together and celebrate often.
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