The belly cast is a beautiful and easy way to commemorate your pregnancy. I made a plaster cast of each of my pregnant bellies. The process takes minutes but the result can last a lifetime.
There are two main ways to cast your belly, and both are relatively simple. You can either purchase a tub of plaster of paris and some medical gauze, or you can find gauze that already has plaster in it, like this. The latter saves you a step, but both can usually be found at craft stores.
First, find a comfortable spot to sit, preferably outside. This can get messy. If it’s too cold out, consider lying in the tub.
Rub petroleum jelly or lotion onto the belly, as the plaster may stick to hairs or skin. This didn’t happen to me, but you may want to do it just in case.
Cut rolls of gauze into strips that are long enough to wrap around the belly.
Get a large bowl of hot water to dip the strips into. This will moisten the plaster. Or follow directions on your box or tub of plaster.
Criss-cross the strips across the belly, smoothing the wet plaster as you go. Make sure the strips are lying evenly and that you smooth the plaster and cover as much of the belly as possible. If you are doing the breasts too, make sure you are sitting up as straight as possible so that gravity isn’t pulling them in unpleasant directions.
Add several layers to your cast, always smoothing as you go. Make sure the edges have enough layers so that they don’t end up flimsy.
Allow it to dry on your stomach. Using a hairdryer will help speed the process. Take it off slowly as you feel it lifting itself from your skin. Set in on an over-turned bowl or something else with a round shape to help it keep its shape while it hardens completely.
After it is dry, use sharp scissors to cut the edges of the cast so that they are even on either side, or leave them ragged like the picture at right. Then sand the entire thing smooth. Primer before painting or decorating.
Visit this link to get inspiration for how to paint or decorate with your belly cast: Proud Body. As you will see in the gallery, your cast can be even used as a prop for infant photos. Place your newborn inside the over-turned cast for gorgeous, one-of-a-kind shots.
Read more about fun things you can do at your Blessingway in Let’s Talk About Having a Blessingway