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Letting Your Influences Change

I think one of the ways we can choke our businesses is by getting in a place where we have limited influences. Perhaps we have found a great mentor, or a particular business author who we rely on and go to again and again. While it is great to have the tried and true methods and influences to fall back on, we also need to let new ideas and influences into our businesses if we are going to continue moving forward.

Now, I’m not saying you need to abandon those influences that you have come to trust and rely on all together, but letting in some outside influences is a great way to invigorate your operations. If you are always going to the same business or leads groups, why not try something new? If you are always going to the same mentor for advice, you might be getting the same sort of advice, why not try someone who has a completely different approach to business and see if it doesn’t freshen your own operations? Look around and see if there are networking opportunities or people in your sphere of influence whom you have not approached or tapped into—there might be new opportunities right under your nose.

It can be helpful to take stock of who and what your influences are currently for your home business, and why? Perhaps you were drawn to a certain theory or way of doing business when you were a beginner but things have changed. The influences that helped you get your business off the ground may not be the best ones to help you take it to the next level or orchestrate an expansion. Letting new ideas, perspectives and influences seep in can be an obvious of way of maturing along with your business.

Also: Aiming for Faster Recoveries

Keeping Track of What Doesn’t Work Too

Stay in the Present